So how can you help improve OpenCycleMap? The main way is to contribute cycle data to OpenStreetMap. All the stuff you see on comes from OSM. So maybe you know some bike paths, or bike stands, big bike parking sheds or anything else like that - if you add them to OpenStreetMap, they will show up on OpenCycleMap too.
If you’re just getting started with OpenStreetMap there’s plenty of information on the wiki, but usual caveats about poor documentation stand.
Height data - I know the contours are often wrong. That’s a story for a different day. Unfortunately there’s no easy way for you to fix them, since it’s a deeply technical thing. If anyone is reading this and knows of better DEMs than SRTM, ideally on a global scale but country by country ones would be OK, then let me know. They need to be either in the Public Domain or available with an OSM-compatible license.
Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
If you appreciate the work that’s going on here and would like to contribute to the project, then join OpenStreetMap and help them out. If you can’t, or don’t want to, or want to help even more than you are already, then you can donate using this button - you don’t even need a PayPal account, you can use a credit or debit card by looking for a link on the next page.
All donations go towards running the servers that power OpenCycleMap, and help fund ongoing development of the project.